A part of the EBSCO Information Services group, EBSCO
Subscription Services was built on the foundation of providing
first class service to libraries and organizations. And
that remains our number one priority. Since libraries
have diverse service needs, we created specialized divisions
to respond to the particular needs of different types
of libraries. Personnel in our Academic, Biomedical, Corporate,
Public, School, Government and Law divisions understand
the unique challenges faced by staff in these libraries
and know which services best address their needs. EBSCO's
title database contains information on more than 282,000
titles, including print and electronic formats. Fifty
percent of these are U.S. titles and 50 percent are non-U.S.
titles. Our EBSCONET® serials management system allows
administrators to order, search, claim and renew periodicals
from our extensive database. Our Electronic Journals Service
facilitates access to and management of an organization's
electronic journal collection. EBSCO A-to-Zsm is a locator
tool for all a librarys e-resources, including e-journals,
titles in full text databases and publisher packages.